Ready to embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of hacking games? Let’s get started in just 6 easy steps! Join the next generation of gamers and become a part of the CyberWraith community today.

Access the Game (CyberWraith)

  1. Register here for a new account OR Login here to your existing profile.
  2. By default the “4 Easy Steps to Get Started!” screen should appear. If not click the Setup link in the navigation bar at the top.
  3. Use Progress Step 1 to create your CyberWraith gamehandle and password. You’ll use this to log in to the game later.
  4. Once your CyberWraith gamehandle and password have been created, use Progress Step 2 to request a FREE CyberWraith game key. You will be emailed your permanent game key within 24 hours of requesting (typically it only take a few minutes). Be sure to select the correct operating system for your installation in this step.
  5. Click the Download CyberWraith for <Your OS> link in Progress Step 3 to be redirected to the downloadable game file. Unzipping and installing the game should be straight forward from there.
  6. Once installation is done you can start playing immediately by logging in with the gamehandle and password you set up in Step 1.