// CWN eSports Tournaments
Jump into the next generation of hacking games. esports tournaments test and reveal your cyber security skills. Hack your way into your next job.
UTSA Cyber Range RowdyHacks Cybersecurity Tournament

Anyone looking to develop their cybersecurity skills should play the CyberWraith game. The best and simplest way to become a cyber warrior is with this! As the “Call of Duty for Ethical Hackers,” consider CyberWraith. Invite your friends to play with you!

Schools can host eSports Leagues or provide immersive cyber training environment! Ever had a room full of 30 students completely silent engaged in an educational cyber game? Our schools have…

De-Risk your next Cyber Hire! Underneath our CyberWraith game is our Patent Pending CWN Score algorithm validates Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities (KSA’s) and matches proven cyber warriors to fill real-world cybersecurity jobs.
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